Our journey together

Created by rosario 2 years ago

My dear David ,

i found this little catalan poem by Salvador Espriu

and reminded me of our conversations and giggles about home .

your voice and your eyes always filled the room and made me smile.

i always looked forward to seing you and talking to you .
i shall miss you David … so much 

With much love , Rosario 

Beside the Sea
Beside the sea. I had
a house, and my dream,
beside the sea. 
The high prow. The open roads
of the water, the narrow
skiff I commanded.
My eyes once knew
all the restfulness and order
of a little country.
How badly I need to tell you
about the terrifying rain
against the windows!
Today the dark of night
falls upon my house.
Black rocks
lure me toward destruction.
Held captive by a song,
all my efforts useless,
who can guide me toward dawn?
By the sea. I had
a house, a dream that would not end.

By Salvador Espriu