Botswana 1993

Created by Nick 2 years ago

I first met David and Carolyn on the banks of the River Chobe in Botswana in 1993 at an AISA Administrators Conference held at the Mowana Safari Lodge, the nicest venue in conference history. David was the keynote speaker; I was researching and Carolyn was there to have fun and to entertain us all. They were the opposite of stand-offish & despite a complete lack of educational credentials on my part, we became firm friends.
David was always full of energy and good humour. He was passionate, highly intelligent and totally driven to help others. His huge interest in all things political, educational, economic and feathered was infectious, and he and Carolyn were the best of company.
For the next more than 25 years we met at international school conferences ‘East of the Sun, West of the Moon, North of Zanzibar’. David encouraged me with all my plans and ideas, tolerated my often erratic behaviour and, with Caroline, was always there in support. They took me into their homes in Portugal and Spain and could not have been kinder.
There are a great many like me who have benefitted and thrived with David’s help. He was a star in every possible way and a man to admire. We will treasure every moment we spent with David and will miss him enormously.

Nick Brummitt